Tunisia Consulate in Miami

Consulate of Tunisia in Miami

Tunisia Consulate in Miami

Diplomatic representation of Tunisia. Information on consular services of the Consulate of Tunisia in Miami.

On this website you will find general information about the Consulate of Tunisia in Miami.

The majority of foreign consulates in Miami are from South American and European countries.

Contact details of the Tunisia Consulate in Miami


Tunisian Honorary Consulate in Miami, United States - American Central Insurance Agency, Inc - 1236 Miami, FL 33145-2923 - United States

Telephone Number:

(+1) 305 858 54 56

Fax Number:

(+1) 305 858 59 09






Deborah Balliette Jacobson - Honorary Consul

Office Hours:

By appointment


Consulates in Miami.

Miami is a major tourist destination in the state of Florida.

Especially South American and European tourists visit Miami frequently.

To serve these foreign tourists as well as Miami citizens there are many foreign consulates located in Miami.

Assistance by a Miami consulate

A Miami Consulate would usually offer limited services as part of their parent Embassy in Washington.

These consular services are offered at a local level, often providing more rapid service.

These consular services are among others the provision of replacement and new passports, visa information and usually together with other general consular services available to Miami citizens. 

For additional Miami consulate information please contact the Miami consulate directly. When there is no consulate located in Miami you can either contact a consulate in a neigboring state or contact the embassy in Washington DC.

consulate-miami.com: We provide contact information of all the Foreign Consulates located Miami Florida. This website has no connection with Miami Consulates featured on www.consulate-miami.com.